Lilith Fund is intimately familiar with the need to show up for our community when the government refuses—it’s why our mission is to fund abortions in Texas.
The COVID-19 global pandemic is the latest example of a government that can’t meet the basic needs of their people. But thankfully communities are creating mutual aid networks to show up for each other in this moment. Here’s a short round-up of mutual aid efforts in the areas we serve in Texas to address needs folks may have. If you have more to share you can contact us at [email protected].

San Antonio:
Systema de ayuda mutua comunitaria — Dando y recibiendo apoyo en San Antonio A google form for Spanish-speaking folks to fill out who might be needing aid or would be able to provide right now. Needs include food prep, emotional support, digital support etc.
COVID-19 Resources for San Antonio A google doc with a list of resources for San Antonio.
Puro Mutual Aid Network — Giving and Receiving Support in San Antonio A mutual aid project managed by San Antonio’s DSA chapter.
Austin Care Web A network of people requesting or able to provide mutual aid including errands, emotional support, food supplies, housework etc. Included is a list of different mutual aid projects throughout Austin.
Emergency Covid19 Relief for Sex Workers in Austin Sex Workers Outreach Project of Austin (SWOP ATX) is raising funds to support survival sex workers in Austin TX who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many sex workers who rely on in-person clientele are seeing a dramatic decrease in availability of work as the spread of the coronavirus continues. Those who are already struggling with financial instability, health concerns, racism, and transphobic violence are most vulnerable to the widespread impacts of the current situation, and are unable to stay afloat without support through this crisis.
ATX Free Food Sharing A facebook group for mutual aid. Please post if you are seeking food or food related items or have them to give!
Austin Virtual Tip Jar A way to give money to local service industry workers, affected by the closures of local businesses. Please contribute or submit your name if you are in the service industry and need assistance.
Houston Virtual Tip Jar When restaurants and bars close, the service industry is living paycheck to paycheck. Please contribute to this virtual tip jar, or submit the form on top if you are in the industry and need assistance.
TX School Districts Not Listed Elsewhere Centralized list for local AFLCIO chapter noting which ISDs are offering assistance to students and families
Mattress Mack, Gallery Furniture Click the COVID-19 tab to donate to the GoFundMe on Gallery Furnitures website. If you call the given number; Seniors may get food/ toiletries delivered to their doorstep. And children may come to Gallery Furniture locations to grab-and-go sack lunches. Volunteers are needed. Probably beginning mid-week, TBA.
Houston-area Homebound and COVID-19 Resources: A comprehensive list of resources for folks affected by closures or job loss.
Corpus Christi:
Corpus Christi’s local DSA chapter is organizing a mutual aid project for people in the Corpus Christi area. You can fill out either forms for requests for support. Each contains a link to forms in Spanish.
Corpus Christi area COVID-19 “Request Support” Form
Corpus Christi area COVID-19 “Offer for Volunteers” Form
COVID-19 Resources for Undocumented Communities:
COVID-19 Recursos para Comunidades Indocumentadas