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Thank you to our supporters

Thank you for standing for Texans’ reproductive rights last night. In case you haven’t heard the news, Senate Bill 5, the harmful omnibus abortion bill, failed to pass. This was an important night for reproductive rights in Texas. We appreciate everyone who joined us in orange at the Capitol, posted on social media or followed along. Thank you, too, to our […]

Guest Post: Top Tips for Shaking People Down for the Cause

Andrea Greer is one of our top Houston fundraisers and blogs at nonsequiteuse. She wrote a helpful list to help bowlers reach, and exceed their goals.  She allowed us to cross-post this from her blog. Thanks to the internet, we’re all fundraisers now. How can you stand out and make sure you bring in the […]

Coming Out

Coming out as an Abortion Fundraiser by Lilith Fund board member Sarah Supporting the idea of abortion access is one thing. But asking friends to write a check to fund abortion? That feels like a pretty big step. As if talking about abortion wasn’t already one of the top three socially awkward topics of all […]